Wherever I go in eastern Canada and the US, I've found three octane options at the gas pump. Bronze, Silver, Gold. 87, 89, 91. Regular, Plus, Premium. Western states add a discount option, 85; I'm not sure whether they're stingy or whether conditions allow a cooler fuel. I know 85 is throughout Utah, but I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere. Just about everywhere, the button for the inexpensive, low-octane option is on the left, with the higher priced options further to the right. Except, every once in a while, you'll come across a station where they put the low octane in the middle, and the medium octane on the left. I don't think it's an accident, or a local tradition of reading out from the middle. I think because the owner of that station believes that tricking people into buying a higher octane than the customer actually wants, is more important than serving the customer honestly. It can't make much of a difference. Regular customers know which butt...