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Showing posts from October, 2008

Military Families Speak Out

The US organization Military Families Speak Out opposes George's war. MFSO raises awareness of their existence and the possibility of opposition using toy soldiers tagged with their URL . Since Canada hosts a number of AWOL and other military resistors, I thought MFSO needed some Canadian content. The Charge on the Skating Rink, Toronto City Hall MFSO take on the Blue Jays The Tower Tour

Nuit Blanche

October 4 Was Nuit Blanche, an overnight art event organized by the City of Toronto. I was assigned to document some of the sites. A couple of the sites lent themselves to particularly interesting photographs ... But my favourite wasn't an art event at all, but a guy who put glowtubes all over his bicycle.

What's Your Octane?

Wherever I go in eastern Canada and the US, I've found three octane options at the gas pump. Bronze, Silver, Gold. 87, 89, 91. Regular, Plus, Premium. Western states add a discount option, 85; I'm not sure whether they're stingy or whether conditions allow a cooler fuel. I know 85 is throughout Utah, but I'm sure I've seen it elsewhere. Just about everywhere, the button for the inexpensive, low-octane option is on the left, with the higher priced options further to the right. Except, every once in a while, you'll come across a station where they put the low octane in the middle, and the medium octane on the left. I don't think it's an accident, or a local tradition of reading out from the middle. I think because the owner of that station believes that tricking people into buying a higher octane than the customer actually wants, is more important than serving the customer honestly. It can't make much of a difference. Regular customers know which butt...

Photo from David Levine's Exhibit

Gallery345 opened their exhibit of David Levine caricatures, last Friday evening. I took some photos of the people:

Which Dwarf Are You?

I'm a software developer trying to re-invent myself as a photographer, so I thought I should create a blog to generate some awareness. Then I realized there are a number of things I want to discuss, not just the arts. Most of all, I want to express some opinions about things that are wrong all around me. I thought about calling the blog Out in Left Field , cause the ideas are different, or, since I'm complaining about things, Grumpy Old Man . But I'm not so sure I want to create an impression of advanced age and feebleness. Then I came across the perfect way to left people know that I Am Not Happy ... I rear-ended a car this morning. So there we are alongside the road and slowly the driver gets out of the car . . . I could not believe it . . he was a dwarf! He storms over to my car, looks up at me and says, "I AM NOT HAPPY!" So, I look down at him and say, "Well, if you aren't Happy, which dwarf are you?"