I presented this challenge at work as a beat-the-winter-blahs activity.
But then I felt I couldn't present a merely operative solution. As the local Perl geek, I felt required to demonstrate that Perl could do clean, well written solutions, not just line noise. I wanted a balance between advanced Perl features and easy comprehension. On the Unix command line, I prefer piping commands together, rather than using a bunch of intermediate files. Similarly in Perl I advocate using map{} and grep{}, and feeding the output of one function into the input of another. I consider those standard idioms any programmer needs to learn.
On the other hand, there were a couple of situations where exceptions and oddities in the code made me uncomfortable. Pulling things into subroutines such as calc_field_width() simplified things and made the code clearer, I think. I guess the lesson of that is that short subroutines are better. I knew that!
I'm open to suggestions for alternative ways of doing things, if you have better ideas.
The program goes through the file hierarchy, storing data in a data structure , %stats.
0 HASH(0x1009a1000)
3 => HASH(0x1009d0c90)
'N' => 32
'sum' => 16995
4 => HASH(0x1009d0e40)
'N' => 17
'sum' => 57691
5 => HASH(0x1009d0ea0)
'N' => 3
'sum' => 35747
The '3', '4', '5 refer to the number of digits in the file size, i.e., '3' refers to file sizes in the range 100-999. 'N' is the number of files in this size range,'sum' is the sum of all the actual file sizes for the range.
The finale output shows there are 166 zero-byte files ... perhaps they were created but never populated, due to some error, or perhaps they communicated some binary data merely by their presence. Sometimes compilers use zero-length files to indicate the extent of their progress. Files with sizes between 1 and 9 bytes number 9, while 327 are under 100 bytes. This blog is too narrow, so I cut the table short, but I do have four 45GB files which store data comparing the performance ofsudoku-solving algorithms.
size N sum avg
---- - --- ---
< 1 166 0 0
< 10 59 411 7
< 100 327 17,840 55
< 1,000 3,800 1,939,738 510
< 10,000 8,231 31,002,459 3,767
< 100,000 3,575 109,346,315 30,586
But then I felt I couldn't present a merely operative solution. As the local Perl geek, I felt required to demonstrate that Perl could do clean, well written solutions, not just line noise. I wanted a balance between advanced Perl features and easy comprehension. On the Unix command line, I prefer piping commands together, rather than using a bunch of intermediate files. Similarly in Perl I advocate using map{} and grep{}, and feeding the output of one function into the input of another. I consider those standard idioms any programmer needs to learn.
On the other hand, there were a couple of situations where exceptions and oddities in the code made me uncomfortable. Pulling things into subroutines such as calc_field_width() simplified things and made the code clearer, I think. I guess the lesson of that is that short subroutines are better. I knew that!
I'm open to suggestions for alternative ways of doing things, if you have better ideas.
The program goes through the file hierarchy, storing data in a data structure , %stats.
0 HASH(0x1009a1000)
3 => HASH(0x1009d0c90)
'N' => 32
'sum' => 16995
4 => HASH(0x1009d0e40)
'N' => 17
'sum' => 57691
5 => HASH(0x1009d0ea0)
'N' => 3
'sum' => 35747
The '3', '4', '5 refer to the number of digits in the file size, i.e., '3' refers to file sizes in the range 100-999. 'N' is the number of files in this size range,'sum' is the sum of all the actual file sizes for the range.
The finale output shows there are 166 zero-byte files ... perhaps they were created but never populated, due to some error, or perhaps they communicated some binary data merely by their presence. Sometimes compilers use zero-length files to indicate the extent of their progress. Files with sizes between 1 and 9 bytes number 9, while 327 are under 100 bytes. This blog is too narrow, so I cut the table short, but I do have four 45GB files which store data comparing the performance ofsudoku-solving algorithms.
size N sum avg
---- - --- ---
< 1 166 0 0
< 10 59 411 7
< 100 327 17,840 55
< 1,000 3,800 1,939,738 510
< 10,000 8,231 31,002,459 3,767
< 100,000 3,575 109,346,315 30,586
# Determine file counts for size categories 1-9, 10-99
use warnings;
use strict;
use feature ':5.10';
use Readonly;
use Getopt::Long;
use Data::Dumper;
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Constants
Readonly my $DOT => q{.};
Readonly my $DOTDOT => q{..};
Readonly my $ESCAPE_BACKSLASH => q{\\};
Readonly my $LASTFIELD => -1;
Readonly my $SPACE => q{ };
Readonly my $TAB => qq{\t};
Readonly my $COMMIFY_WIDTH => 3;
Readonly my $ROUNDING_OFFSET => 1.0 / 2;
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Main
my %options = ( root => q{~} );
GetOptions( \%options, 'root=s' )
or die "Error parsing command line arguments.\n";
my $stats = process_sizes( $options{root} );
say Dumper($stats) if exists $ENV{DEBUG};
# -------------------------------------------------------
# Subroutines
# Explore directories, accumulating file sizes. Initialize
# dirs list with the one root, add subdirs, processing
# recursively.
sub process_sizes {
my (@dirs) = @_;
my %stats;
while (@dirs) {
process_one_dir( \%stats, \@dirs );
return \%stats;
# ........................................................
# For any directory, use glob() to get a list of all the
# files in the directory. Ignore '.' & '..'.
# Spaces in directory names need to be escaped, otherwise
# glob() will think the string contains multiple
# candidates to match.
sub process_one_dir {
my ( $stats, $dirs ) = @_;
my $one_dir = shift @{$dirs};
say "process_one_dir => $one_dir"
$one_dir =~ s{(\s)}{$ESCAPE_BACKSLASH$1}g;
while ( my $entry = glob "$one_dir/*" ) {
next ENTRY
if $entry eq $DOT or $entry eq $DOTDOT;
process_one_entry( $entry, $dirs, $stats );
# ........................................................
# Stick subdirectories onto the @dirs array for recursive
# searching. File require additional processing based on
# their size.
# Note: specify the file name only on the first stats()
# call on a file ( -d or other -X ). Use '_' as the file
# name in additional calls to re-use the data rather than
# making a new call.
sub process_one_entry {
my ( $entry, $dirs, $stats ) = @_;
if ( -d $entry ) {
push @{$dirs}, $entry;
else {
say "${TAB}record_one_size => $entry"
record_one_size( $stats, -s _ );
# ........................................................
# For empty files, update a special '0' category. Use the
# length of the size of non-empty files to determine the
# category ( equivalent to ceiling( log10( size ))), and
# keep track of the number of files and the sum of the
# bytes for the category.
sub record_one_size {
my ( $stats, $size ) = @_;
my $len = $size == 0 ? 0 : length $size;
$stats->{$len}{sum} += $size;
# ........................................................
sub print_header {
my ($fmt) = @_;
my @fields = (qw/size N sum avg/);
printf $fmt, @fields;
printf $fmt, map { q{-} x length $_ } @fields;
# .........................................................
# For each size category, get desired field, either 'N'
# or 'sum'. Sort these and grab the largest value to
# determine how wide the field needs to be.
sub calc_field_width {
my ( $stats, $tags, $field ) = @_;
my @values = map { $stats->{$_}{$field} } @{$tags};
my $width = length( ( sort { $a <=> $b }
@values )[$LASTFIELD] );
return $width;
# ........................................................
# Field widths need an extra 33% to allow for commafying
# numbers. The calulation will try to put a comma to the
# left of the entire number if leftmost group has three
# digits, so drop one comma in that case. But don't drop
# comma if the width is zero, because that would mmake the
# width negative.
sub allow_for_commas {
my ($width) = @_;
my $commas = int $width / $COMMIFY_WIDTH;
if $commas && $width % $COMMIFY_WIDTH == 0;
return $width + $commas;
# ........................................................
# The keys of the hash are the exponents of the size
# categories, i.e., the log of the size, 0, 1, 2, ... Sort
# these and take the largest to determine how wide size
# field has to be. Determine the width for the N and sum
# fields. Reuse the 'sum' field width for the average,
# since it can only be less or the same width.
# To generate the format string, take an array of the
# %fwidth keys and use map{} to extract the corresponding
# fwidth value, stick them inside the format '%s' and join
# the various pieces using spaces. Add 33% padding to
# widths to allow for commas.
sub gen_fmt {
my ($stats) = @_;
my @tags = sort { $a <=> $b } keys %{$stats};
my %fwidth;
# size is N zeroes plus leading '1'
$fwidth{size} = 1 + $tags[$LASTFIELD];
$fwidth{count} = calc_field_width $stats, \@tags, 'N');
$fwidth{sum} = calc_field_width $stats, \@tags, 'sum');
my $fmt = join $SPACE,
map { '%' . allow_for_commas( $fwidth{$_} ) . 's' }
(qw/size count sum sum/);
$fmt .= "\n";
return ( $fmt, \@tags );
# ........................................................
# commify a number. Traditional solution see 'perldoc
# perlfaq5 q.13'
sub commify {
my $text = reverse $_[0];
$text =~ s/(\d\d\d)(?=\d)(?!\d*\.)/$1,/g;
return scalar reverse $text;
# ........................................................
sub print_line {
my ( $fmt, $stats, $log ) = @_;
my $size = '1' . '0' x $log;
printf $fmt, map { commify($_) } (
+ $stats->{$log}{sum} / $stats->{$log}{N}
# ........................................................
# All the field widths need to be dynamic, since largest
# file might be terabytes in size, there could be millions
# of files in some size range, the sum could be huge
# Calculate the format string once, then reuse it with
# leading spaces for the header, and a leading '< ' for
# the actual sizes. Everything is ( or can be ) a string in
# perl.
sub display_summary {
my ($stats) = @_;
my ( $fmt, $tags ) = gen_fmt($stats);
print_header(" $fmt");
for my $width ( @{$tags} ) {
print_line( "< $fmt", $stats, $width );
# --------------------------------------------------------
# End of File